Saturday, April 11, 2009

The World's Richest Royals

No. 1


Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah


$22 billion

Age: 61

Became 29th Sultan of Brunei 40 years ago, inheriting riches of an unbroken 600-year-old Muslim dynasty. Rules concurrently as the oil-rich land's prime minister, defense minister, finance minister and head of religion. Collector of fine jewels is also an avid polo player.

No. 2


Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

President/United Arab Emirates

$21 billion

Age: 59

Hereditary ruler of tiny emirate Abu Dhabi, home to one-tenth of world's oil reserves. Trying to reinvent emirate as "cultural hub" of the Middle East; Frank Gehry-designed branch of the Guggenheim museum is set to open in 2011.

No. 3


King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz

King/Saudi Arabia

$19 billion

Age: 83

King since August 2005; soon after, began construction on a $26 billion city named in his honor. More fiscally conservative than his big spending half-brother, the late King Fahd. Breeds Arabian horses. Established two libraries in Saudi Arabia and Morocco.

No. 4


Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum


$16 billion

Age: 57

"CEO of Dubai Inc." shares fortune with two brothers; government holding companies bought big stakes in HSBC and Deutsche Bank in the past year; bid for U.S retailer Barneys New York. Announced plans to donate $10 billion for Middle East educational foundation.

No. 5


King Bhumibol Adulyadej


$5 billion

Age: 79

World's longest-reigning monarch is U.S.-born, Swiss-educated and revered as a deity in Thailand. Family fortune includes investments, real estate mostly held through Crown Property Bureau. Environmentalist has royal car that runs on palm oil.

No. 6


Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein


$4.5 billion

Age: 62

Heads self-named country. Family, whose fortune goes back 900 years, has been collecting art for four centuries; own 33 Rubens, largest number in private hands. Also own private LGT bank, real estate and Rice Tec, a U.S. producer of genetically engineered rice.

No. 7


King Mohammed IV


$2 billion

Age: 44

Nicknamed "king of the poor" for efforts to alleviate poverty and improve human rights. Palace's reported operating budget exceeds $960,000 a day; much of it spent on clothes and car repairs.

No. 8


Prince Albert II


$1.2 billion

Age: 49

Eligible bachelor inherited tiny principality after his father's death in 2005 as well as a fortune in real estate, art and stake in Monte Carlo's casinos. This year, hosted tributes to honor his mother, U.S. actress Grace Kelly, who died 25 years ago.

No. 9


Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani


$1 billion

Age: 55

Overthrew father in a bloodless coup in 1995. Sports enthusiast bringing events like Asian Games to tiny state. Funded Al Jazeera and its English sister station.

No. 10


Prince Karim Al Husseini

Aga Khan

$1 billion

Age: 70

Celebrated 50th anniversary as leader of world's 15 million Ismaili Muslims this year. Suave businessman runs business conglomerate from France and Switzerland; also has extensive horse farms. Currently divorcing second wife; first ex-wife received a reported $20 million.-- 

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